Used by 8268 developers


Production-Ready Starters crafted on top of modern UI Kits. Custom Development Services and Free Support for registered users.

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Logo Flask - Technology Used by AppSeed. Logo Django - Technology Used by AppSeed. Logo Laravel - Technology Used by AppSeed. Logo React - Technology Used by AppSeed. Logo Html5 - Technology Used by AppSeed. Logo SaaS - Technology Used by AppSeed.

Summer Boost Campaign

Actve until Sep-17 (no stock limits)

50%OFF Discount (all products) using coupon:

(to be used during the checkout)

Datta Able Django PRO - Premium Django Starter
50%OFF Discount

Datta Able Django PRO - $49.0

Premium Django and Bootstrap 5 Starter enhanced with OAuth, API, Charts, DataTables, Extended User Profiles, Media Files Manager and Docker support

Popular Free Dashboards

Open-Source products coded on top of modern UI Kits in Flask, Django, and React.

Django Material Bootstrap5
Open-Source Django Starter
Design by
creative-tim Logo - AppSeed Partner django Logo, a technology used by Django Material Bootstrap5.
Django Bootstrap 5 Volt
Open-Source Django Starter
Design by
themesberg Logo - AppSeed Partner django Logo, a technology used by Django Bootstrap 5 Volt.
Django Soft UI Dashboard
Open-Source Django Starter
Design by
creative-tim Logo - AppSeed Partner django Logo, a technology used by Django Soft UI Dashboard.

Best Sellers

Development-ready Premium starters coded by experts in Django, Flask and React.

Django Material BS5 PRO
Premium Django Starter
Design by
creative-tim Logo - AppSeed Partner django Logo, a technology used by Django Material BS5 PRO.
Django Volt Dashboard PRO
Premium Django Starter
Design by
themesberg Logo - AppSeed Partner django Logo, a technology used by Django Volt Dashboard PRO.
Django Soft Dashboard PRO
Premium Django Starter
Design by
creative-tim Logo - AppSeed Partner django Logo, a technology used by Django Soft Dashboard PRO.

Django Apps

Open-source and commercial seed projects crafted on top of Django, a leading web framework written in Python.

Django Pixel Lite
Open-Source Django Starter
Design by
themesberg Logo - AppSeed Partner django Logo, a technology used by Django Pixel Lite.
Django Material Kit2 PRO
Premium Django Starter
Design by
creative-tim Logo - AppSeed Partner django Logo, a technology used by Django Material Kit2 PRO.
Django Soft UI System
Open-Source Django Starter
Design by
creative-tim Logo - AppSeed Partner django Logo, a technology used by Django Soft UI System.

React Starters

Open-source and commercial seed projects that use React as frontend technology.

Full-Stack React Datta PRO
Premium Full-Stack Starter
Design by
codedthemes Logo - AppSeed Partner full-stack Logo, a technology used by Full-Stack React Datta PRO.
React Node Soft Dashboard
Open-Source Full-Stack Starter
Design by
creative-tim Logo - AppSeed Partner api-server-nodejs Logo, a technology used by React Node Soft Dashboard.
React Horizon PRO
Premium Full-Stack Starter
Design by
simmmple Logo - AppSeed Partner full-stack Logo, a technology used by React Horizon PRO.

Trusted by well-known agencies and 8k+ developers.

CodedThemes Gray Logo - A well-known agency that partnered with AppSeed. Creative-Tim Gray Logo - A well-known agency that partnered with AppSeed. Themesberg Gray Logo - A well-known agency that partnered with AppSeed.

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