Open-Source Bootstrap 5 Template

Volt Dashboard

Pixel-perfect BS5 design provided by Themesberg.

Starters generated by AppSeed on top of Volt Dashboard Design.

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Volt Dashboard Starters

Volt Dashboard is a free and open source Bootstrap 5 Admin Dashboard featuring over 100 components, 11 example pages and 3 plugins with Vanilla JS.
Volt Dashboard brings 11 example pages including an overview, sign in, sign up, transactions page and many more.

Jinja Bootstrap 5 Volt
Open-Source Flask/Jinja Starter
Design by
themesberg Logo - AppSeed Partner jinja Logo, a technology used by Jinja Bootstrap 5 Volt.
Flask Bootstrap 5 Volt
Open-Source Flask Starter
Design by
themesberg Logo - AppSeed Partner flask Logo, a technology used by Flask Bootstrap 5 Volt.
Django Bootstrap 5 Volt
Open-Source Django Starter
Design by
themesberg Logo - AppSeed Partner django Logo, a technology used by Django Bootstrap 5 Volt.
Jinja Volt PRO
Premium Flask/Jinja Starter
Design by
themesberg Logo - AppSeed Partner jinja Logo, a technology used by Jinja Volt PRO.
Flask Volt Dashboard PRO
Premium Flask Starter
Design by
themesberg Logo - AppSeed Partner flask Logo, a technology used by Flask Volt Dashboard PRO.
Django Volt Dashboard PRO
Premium Django Starter
Design by
themesberg Logo - AppSeed Partner django Logo, a technology used by Django Volt Dashboard PRO.

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